Supreme Swan Blog

Part I: Meditation Starts With Sitting
Regardless of your meditation path or technique, it all starts with sitting. Yet so many struggle with back pain or sore knees. This article gives some tips and reviews of our meditation products that fit your specific body type and condition. Sit comfortably, yet like a yogi, and feel the benefits right away.

Part II: Your Meditation Posture Is Crucial
Meditation cushions and other supports will not guarantee pain-free sitting until you understand how to position your hips, lower back, shoulders and neck. Your meditation posture is crucial. It often dictates how you meditate.
The following steps will help you to achieve a better meditation posture. Take your time and give yourself a few weeks for the body to adjust. Read on...

Part III: The Use of The Sacred Mala
When I learned how to meditate, counting was not important. But I still wanted to wear beads because that’s what the yogis wear, right? It may have been immature reasoning at first, but as I learned more and received further initiations, the beads became much more important. Far from a fashion item in the yoga industry, malas are sacred and traditional in the Dharma traditions of the East. Read on...

Coconut Spice Tea
As lockdown continues, I feel it's quite important to share another one of my favorite tea recipes for you to enjoy!

Create a Sacred Space in Your Home
This lockdown is showing us the vital importance of having sacred space where we live. We wrote the following short article in an effort to help you create—or renew— your sacred space.

Ma's Golden Milk Recipe
I am delighted to share with you all my recipe for Ma's Golden Milk. Inspired by the medicinal beverages of Ayurveda, this recipe has numerous health benefits. And for many of us, it's simply a delicious and soothing beverage.

Our Favorite Chai Recipe
During this lockdown I thought it would be a nice treat to share with all of you my Chai Recipe that has become a favorite among my friends here in my community and throughout my travels. Now everyone just calls it "Our Favorite Chai"!